
chi-chi earthquake中文什么意思

发音:   用"chi-chi earthquake"造句
  • 921大地震
  • chi:    n. 希腊语字母表第22字母(Χ,χ),相当于英语的 c ...
  • a chi:    阿吉仔
  • chi:    n. 希腊语字母表第22字母(Χ,χ),相当于英语的 ch。 a chi2 (=χ2) square test 【生物学】卡方测验。
  • chi chi:    奇奇; 装模作样
  • chi chi hermeticity in plastic:    芯片全密封塑料包装
关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:chi-chi earthquake,即可在微信中查询翻译


  1. In accordance with the damage data of gas pipelines collected in the chi - chi earthquake , the study assumes that the empirical fragility curves can be expressed in the form of two - parameter normal distribution functions
  2. Objective : this empirical study was undertaken three to six months after the 921 chi - chi earthquake to evaluate the difference of psychosocial reactions to traumatic event between female and male adult survivors
  3. This empirical study was undertaken three to six months after the 921 chi - chi earthquake to evaluate the difference of psychosocial reactions to traumatic event between female and male adult survivors
    方法:震灾发生三个月到半年问,研究者于南投县某三个受灾乡镇与台中县某一个受灾乡镇,进行心理社会反应问卷测量,共抽取324名样本(男性占36 . 1 % ,平均年龄为48 . 0岁;女性占63 . 9 % ,平均年龄为40 . 1岁) 。
  4. Using the composition of stable hydrogen , oxygen , carbon isotopes with data of stream discharge before and after the earthquake of 1999 , the research has investigated the hydrologic environment changes and the impact of 921 chi - chi earthquake on wuchi upstream watershed



  1. chi zijian 什么意思
  2. chi, chin 什么意思
  3. chi,aunitoflength 什么意思
  4. chi-chang lin 什么意思
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  6. chi-chih wu 什么意思
  7. chi-chuan cheng 什么意思
  8. chi-chung lee 什么意思
  9. chi-chung wang 什么意思
  10. chi-di liang 什么意思


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